
cover art for 5-481 Marine Corps Marathon

RunRunLive 5.0 - Running Podcast

5-481 Marine Corps Marathon

Season 5, Ep. 481

Hello my endurance athletic old friends. 

Welcome to episode 5-481.

How are we on this fine fall day? Up here in New England we have set the clocks back and it is now officially dark at 4:30ish, which makes me want to stab myself in the eye with an olive fork… Is there such a thing as an olive fork? 

We like to tell ourselves up, with puritanical zeal, and righteous fury, that all this lack of sunlight and crappy weather makes us harder and more able to transverse this fickle world filled with chaos. 

We say things like, “I was doing hill repeats in the freezing rain,” – wearing that suffering like holy stigmata. 

But, what if it’s all a lie? What if all the adversity just makes us grumpy and hard to live with?

I don’t know – but I do know the best policy is to take it one day at a time, do what you can and embrace what the universe brings you because time is short!

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  • 486. Episode 5-486 - Nutrition with Dr. Rachel

    Episode 5-5486 – Nutrition with Dr. RachelHello my running friends. Here we go – 2 episodes in a row!  On today’s show we talk to my nutrition coach Rachel. I’ve worked off an on with Rachel for many years. She recently earned her doctorate and she is looking for new clients. She gave me a good excuse to do another chat.  It all works out. You get another show and I get to catch up with Dr. Rachel. I’ll talk a little about my nutrition journey in section one. In section two I’ll talk a bit about the scary and fun world of artificial intelligence. On with the show! 
  • 485. Episode 5-5485 – Nate Talks About Parenting

    Episode 5-5485 – Nate Talks About ParentingHello my running friends. And so, the universe finds us together again. It is a fine Monday morning at the end of April bleeding into May and the fulsome fecundity of mother nature bursts free from the oppressive bonds of winter. The birds are singing, the rabbits are munching, the flowers show their timid faces in the new dawn of longer days and happier times. And here we are.  
  • Update 4-24-2024

    A quick update from the trails with Ollie.
  • 484. Episode 5-484

    Episode 5-484 – the one about the treeIntroduction:Hello and welcome to episode 5-484 of the RunRunLive Podcast. I’m calling it 5-484. That’s as good a number as any. At this point we are beyond the specificity of rational numbers and, some would say, rationality in general. Today I’m going to tell a story about a tree. I’ll give you the update on my current entropy challenge. Because it’s always something, isn’t it? And I have an idea to start a new segment called “Stupid running questions.” And, maybe I’ll talk about mortality.
  • 483. Episode 5-483

    RunRunLive Episode 5483 – The one about 5K’s and Relay races and retirement…Hello my running friends. How are you doing today? It’s winter here in New England. The shortest days of the year are upon us. The seasons change and so do I. Which is a lyric from a song by the Guess Who called “No Time”, from an album called “Canned Wheat” released in 1969. The Guess Who was an influential Canadian rock band from Winnipeg of all places.  Randy Bachman from the band went on to success with Bachman Turner Overdrive. Apologies for not getting a show out. I have ideas in my head. I just don’t have the animation to write them down and record. Something is better than nothing they say. But, the older I get, the more I understand the value of nothing as well. Today I’m going to catch you up on a few races I’ve run and some other stuff as I work my way into shape for my next race, which is the Napa Valley Marathon in March. Now that I’ve put Boston aside as a goal race, I can add more fun stuff and travel races to my calendar. This year my wife and I will head out to Napa Valley to run the race and then hang around in wine country. Because, my friends, life is short. Memento Mori. 
  • 482. Episode 5-482 - Zero to Hero

    5-482Hello my friends and welcome to episode 482 of the RunRunLive Podcast. Today I’m going to gift you with a long screed entitled “Zero to Hero, How to go from zero miles and injured to a marathon in 6 months.” But, before I go there let’s do some business. I went back to the old RunRunLive 4.0 bumpers, because I like them. I didn’t like the new ones that I had done for me. The old ones are voiced by members of our community. That opening bumper about squeezing the life from lemons is by old-friend John. The strumming guitar and singing are the styling of Adam Tinkoff. The ‘move you to the exit’ is Steve Chopper. And the harmony on the last bit of the outro is Adam and Eddie Marathon. If I ever do interviews again, the ‘featured interview’ bumper is a young version of my talented daughter Katie. They make me happy and hopefully make you happy too. Secondly I spent some time last weekend loading old shows into the new ACast feed. I got all the way back to 250 – which would be some time in 2012, I believe. This is why episode 251 errantly dropped into your feed as a new show. I have to back date them to get them in the right order. That show was from January 2013, I must have missed a save button. I have fixed it. But- in all seriousness, that show is probably a good example of the format that I used to have back then. I have not listened to it, but if you have, that is an 11-year time travel into the past. If you liked it there are plenty more of similar size and shape. At some point I’m going to go back and listen to all of these from the beginning and learn something about myself. Other than that – enjoy this essay on training around our constraints. On with the show.
  • 480. 5-480 The Old Man and the Marathon

    Hello my friends and welcome to the RunRunLive Podcast. My name is Chris and I am your host. Here is a quick introduction for anyone listening for the first time. I have been an amateur runner my whole life. I got serious in the late 90’s and it changed my life, like many obsessions will. I started this podcast in 2007 to share all the wonderful things I had learned. It has been a gift to me and I‘ve met so many great people who have enriched my life. There are close to 500 episodes that span a decade or more of training and racing marathons and mountain bikes and triathlons and so much more. I am sifting though my archives and will attempt to post them all here in sequence. I interview famous and not-so-famous people from the sport. I give advice and tips. I tell stories and entertain. The first 50 or so episodes have some audio challenges as the technology hadn’t really ripened yet. After that I hit my stride and the show’s are fun and consistent through around 250, where I take a break and begin a new format. After that there are highs and lows, as there are in any life. Currently I’m working on finding time to keep the show going into the future as I am now an older runner. Feel free to sample your way through my journey, our running life. And enjoy. I’ll see you out there. Chris,Outro:That’s it folks you have found your way back to the end of yet another RunRunLive podcast. If you’re new to the show go back and sample some of the history. If you’re one of my old friends Rech out and say hi. On reflection I find that friends are the most important thing we carry with us. Bear with me as I sort the technology out. And wish me luck in DC.I’ll see you out there.
  • RunRunLive 4-16-2023

    4-16-2023 Update Well my friends.  Tomorrow is Patriots Day in Boston. And we all know what that means.  That’s right, it’s the Boston Marathon.  I’ve got a few friends running.  The weather looks pretty good. Sara Hall is running and Des Linden.  The fastest man in the world, Kipchoge is looking to complete his sweep of the majors.   Who knows?  Maybe we’ll see a sub-2-hour finish from him!  That would be something.  I am running a bit again.  I have spent the last 2-3 month slowly trying to get myself back into shape.  The knee seems to be ok as long as I don’t work it to hard.  I’m still trying to see where the edge is.  I worked with Rachel and took 15-20 pounds off.  And I got through the first 30 days of the Body Building for Beginners program.  I’m going to stop that right there.  I repeated weeks 3 and 4, but I’m not going to go deeper.  It gets very specific in the second two months and is probably more complex than I need.  And, the big news is that I have signed up for a race.  My friend Ann who we have talked to a couple times here on the podcast has a charity that she is heavily involved in called “Burgers and Bands” which is a teenage suicide prevention program.  She got 50 charity slots for the Marine Corp Marathon.  So, jokingly, I said, if you run it I’ll run it.  And she called my bluff.  I am fund raising and I’m going to try to blog about the process of getting back into shape.  I’ll put a link in the show notes, at the top so you can donate.  Then my coach, who was in the mix, said “Ok if you two run I’ll train you.”  And the rest is, as they say is history.  I am going to toss in some audio from before my run today.  I am going to start podcasting more.  I have some interviews.  I’m trying to put less pressure on myself.  I’ve got a lot of ideas and a lot of content, but less time to execute. I have been plugging away at my other, After the Apocalypse podcast.  I’m just about to finish up season 3.  I’m getting somewhere around 22,000 downloads a month.  There’s 20 episodes in a season, and I plan to make each season into a book.  As I creep ever closer to retirement I’m setting myself up to have a bunch of evergreen publishing content going.  At some point I’ll circle back to all the posts on RunRunLive and try to consolidate them into some sort of order and edit them up into some books.  There are literally millions of words worth of content out there.  Anyhow, figured I’d check in let you know I’m still out here.  A little slower, gimpy-er and grey – but out here none the less.